Rohrer Aesthetic’s Spectrum IPL

Rohrer Aesthetic’s Spectrum IPL in Austin and Los Angeles

Aging and years of exposure to the sun can severely damage the skin, causing age spots, also known as dark spots, sun spots, and hyperpigmentation. But with IPL therapy, you can improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of your skin.

Whether you’re interested in facial rejuvenation or if you want to address uneven skin tone on your chest, arms, or hands, IPL therapy can give you the results you want.

Why Choose IPL for a Photofacial or Skin Rejuvenation?

IPL therapy is a safe, effective way to rejuvenate and restore youth to the skin. IPL uses varying wavelengths of light, creating scattered energy that can treat various skin conditions simultaneously while also penetrating into deeper layers of the skin. Not only is this treatment effective, it's non-invasive and you'll see visible results within a matter of weeks.

Rohrer Aesthetic’s Spectrum IPL in Austin and Los Angeles

Does IPL Hurt?

During your session, mild pulses of light are applied to this skin, which can cause a light snapping or tingling sensation.

Some compare it to having a rubber band being snapped against their skin. You may also experience mild warmth.

Before IPL therapy, your provider will apply a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort.

When Will I See Results From a Photofacial?

Most patients see results within one to two weeks. But, it can take up to several months to see your full results, especially as the skin heals and new skin cells are generated.

Immediately after IPL therapy, your skin will be red and slightly swollen. These side effects often fade within hours.

Am I a Good Candidate for Photorejuvenation?

If you want to address hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or other common skin issues, chances are that you’re likely to qualify.

Consult with a provider in your area to ensure that this will give you the best results possible.

Where Is the Best Place to Go for Amazing Results From an IPL Photofacial in Los Angeles or Austin?

From acne to leg veins to hyperpigmentation, IPL therapy can transform your skin. You can trust our team at Barbarino Surgical Arts to deliver the results you want.

Call our LA location at 818-306-2378 now or call our Austin location at 512-256-3128  today to schedule a consultation.

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